We are able to provide housing for four expectant women who have no other children in their care. Because we are funded through private donations, there is no charge for mothers to stay at Hannah’s House. Any pregnant woman 18 or over may apply for admission to the program. We offer shelter, baby items, and guidance with parenting and living skills.
Each mother is required to attend a Christian church service of her choice on Sunday morning and a weekly Bible study at the house, perform chores, observe curfews, sign in and out, and either work, go to school, or serve as a volunteer no less than 25 hours per week. These activities should continue up until 2 weeks before delivery and she should resume activities 2-4 weeks after her child is born. A mother may stay at Hannah’s House through pregnancy and up to six months after birth for women choosing to parent their babies, or up to six weeks for women making an adoption plan.
We require completed applications from prospective residents. We are NOT an emergency shelter; rather those who apply must commit to a program and not merely be seeking a bed. We also require medical proof of pregnancy (not a home test), proof of a negative drug test, and a criminal background check.
Please click on the links below to download the application packet.
Step 1: Complete an application for admission. You may download and print an application or access a fillable application on your cell phone. Make sure you include a working phone number and email address. If we are unable to contact you, you will lose your position on the waiting list. Once you have submitted your application, you will be notified when it has been received. When an opening becomes available, you will be called to set up an appointment in order to complete an intake interview.
Step 2: Complete an intake interview. You will be notified 1-3 days after the interview regarding admission.
Step 3: If chosen to be a part of the program, you must complete the rest of the admission packet. You will have one week to complete necessary paperwork before your spot is given to another applicant. Paperwork needs to be completed thoroughly. Spaces should not be left blank on any form.
Step 4: Once all paperwork is completed, a move-in date will be arranged (Monday through Friday between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM).
- Must be 18 or older OR if younger than 18, must be legally emancipated.
- Must be willing to share a home with others and follow the house guidelines.
- Must be willing to work, to continue your education, and/or volunteer (this includes SSI/SSDI recipients).
- Must be willing to learn living, parenting, and employment skills
- Must be willing to attend counseling on a regular basis if determined necessary
- Must be willing to learn more about how Jesus can transform our lives
- Must complete entire application process including an interview, application, and admission packet.
Mother Intake Packet